9 Years of Mysore Melbourne

Mysore Melbourne turned 9 on 31 August 2023. I celebrated by climbing Mount Feathertop. I appreciate the perspective a mountain beneath my feet can provide. 

I spent a couple evenings in the wilderness hut near my tent and, when the other travellers asked about my work, I saw how delighted I was to step away, take a breath and celebrate a lot of hard work and a lot of early mornings. AND, I also felt so much gratitude and love for Mysore Melbourne and all the shapes it has taken over the last 9 years. It really is a warm and special place to practice and explore yoga. Thank you so much for meeting me there and making it your practice home, even if only for a short while. 

P.S. I think we need a party when we turn 10 next year! What should that party be like? 


It Is Important To Be In The Body

